About Us
Hello and Welcome to the Birkbeck Book Club! Follow us on Instagram @BBKbookclub and join our WhatsApp group via https://chat.whatsapp.com/Jfu0sIbbzFMAvxkkV2y7aa to stay up to date on all our events!
See our student leadership and committee details below, and make sure you grab your membership to take part in our meetings and events ☕️ 📖 😊
Chair: Parmida Kafi Keramati (Founder)
Email: pkafik01@student.bbk.ac.uk
Vice-Chair: Yusra Zuberi (Social Media Manager)
Email: yzuber01@student.bbk.ac.uk
Treasurer: Vipul Mahendra Surwase
Email: vsurwa01@student.bbk.ac.uk
Representative: Lawrence Garner-Allen
Email: Igarne03@student.bbk.ac.uk