About Us

Welcome to the Birkbeck UoL Dancesport Club!

In 2024/25 we will continue to host regular recreational and coached sessions throughout the year, with industry-leading tuition from our brilliant instructors. We are a really social group, planning lots of meet-ups, events, and seasonal balls! We cater for both competitive and social dancing, and all levels are welcome!

Our teachers include the fabulous Petar Daskalov & James Zia - multiple time International Latin Champions & the wonderful Thomas Purdy & Harley Nelson - well decorated National Ballroom Champions. 

We also compete across the country in university competitions, such as at the IVDA Championships in Blackpool in the grand Winter Gardens venue. 

We charge a membership fee to help fund the group's activity. This is heavily subsidised by Students' Union funding, as we continue to make extra-curricular activity at Birkbeck as accessible as possible - as it should be! If you are a student from another UoL institution, a Birkbeck alumni, staff member or guest, we ask you contribute a slightly larger amount to ensure a fair and transparent deal for Birkbeck students, and to keep groups affordable and sustainable.

We can't wait to meet you and start the year off right!

PS, we have a new membership policy specifically affecting prospective affiliate/ex-student members. If you are a current student at any university you will be eligible for the UoL membership (even if you are not at a UoL university!), and Birkbeck students can purchase the standard membership. However, for the affiliate membership If you have not been a member of a university dancesport club as a student, unfortunately we are not generally accepting people who do not fit this criteria this membership. We will make exceptions for individuals on a case by case basis. Please email LondonDancesport@gmail.com with any cases or queries.


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Dancesport Club - Beginner Hour & Practice Night
31st March 6pm - 9pm
Upper Hall room 305, Birkbeck Student Central,
Open Practice space and guided practice for beginners with club members
Dancesport Club - Beginner Hour & Practice Night duplicate duplicate
1st April 6pm - 9pm
Upper Hall room 305, Birkbeck Student Central,
Open Practice space and guided practice for beginners with club members
Dancesport Club - Beginner Hour & Practice Night
3rd April 6pm - 9pm
Upper Hall room 305, Birkbeck Student Central,
Open Practice space and guided practice for beginners with club members
Dancesport Club - Beginner Hour & Practice Night
7th April 6pm - 9pm
Upper Hall room 305, Birkbeck Student Central,
Open Practice space and guided practice for beginners with club members
Dancesport Club - Beginner Hour & Practice Night
8th April 6pm - 9pm
Upper Hall room 305, Birkbeck Student Central,
Open Practice space and guided practice for beginners with club members
Dancesport Club - Beginner Hour & Practice Night
10th April 6pm - 9pm
Upper Hall room 305, Birkbeck Student Central,
Open Practice space and guided practice for beginners with club members
Dancesport Club - Beginner Hour & Practice Night
14th April 6pm - 9pm
Upper Hall room 305, Birkbeck Student Central,
Open Practice space and guided practice for beginners with club members
Dancesport Club - Beginner Hour & Practice Night
15th April 6pm - 9pm
Upper Hall room 305, Birkbeck Student Central,
Open Practice space and guided practice for beginners with club members
Save the Date! Liger Cup hosted by Imperial University
1st May midnight - 31st May midnight
London ,
Liger Cup - Imperial hosting University Dance Competition
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© Birkbeck Students' Union

Birkbeck Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1142614.

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