LGBTQ+ History Month

If you’re a student at Birkbeck who identifies with the LGBTQ+ community but you don’t feel comfortable “coming out” with your gender or sexual orientation, then here are some kind words of affirmation to show support to you on your journey. You’re not alone! There are many people in the same position as you.

History MonthLGBTQ
Text says LGBTQ+ History Month

If you’re a student at Birkbeck who identifies with the LGBTQ+ community but you don’t feel comfortable “coming out” with your gender or sexual orientation, then here are some kind words of affirmation to show support to you on your journey.
You’re not alone!
There are many people in the same position as you.

That’s why there is a range of professional services and organizations devoted to providing confidential advice and support targeted towards people in circumstances which might be very similar to yours. The people working at these organizations will have experience and empathy for the challenges you may be facing and will be understanding and compassionate towards your difficulties, as well as know very well how vital it is to respect your privacy and boundaries.

On our website, you can find a list of LGBTQ+ specific external resources, charities and organizations that will provide confidential assistance and advice in practical matters, as well as mental health and emotional well-being. Follow this link to explore these options: External Support @ Birkbeck Students' Union (

In the spirit of LGBTQ History Month, Birkbeck SU and the LGBTQ network also want you to know that we are here for you for any kind of support and that we respect your privacy in all matters. You can approach us discreetly and trust us to listen, and respond with understanding.

For students who are seeking support in “coming out of the closet”, we hope you’re aware of the LGBTQ+ Network and our liberations Officer Team!
The LGBTQ network is centred around community building, support systems and fun activities which help students connect and build friendships. Liberations officers campaign to improve university policies and services in order to create safe and welcoming spaces on campus and within the student and staff bodies, too. We want you to enjoy your journey with Birkbeck and feel that your needs are heard and accommodated.  

We understand that not everybody wants to publicly announce their sexuality or gender identity for a number of reasons, and at the same time you still may require support for a range of issues and that some of those may be gender and sexuality-related. We hope you reach out when you’re ready and that these support services help you feel less isolated in managing some of your difficulties. Don’t let fear of being “outed” stop you from getting the help you need. We’re here for you!

Remember, the Students’ Union also have our very own Students' Union Support Service (Separate from Birkbeck University’s Student’s Advice) where Michael Jones and Nisha Gosai are happy to advise you on where to find help on all academic matters such as complaints procedures, as well as a range of personal matters such as student accommodations, well-being services, financial support such as scholarships or available funding and more:

Reach out to Birkbeck’s LGBTQ+ Officer; Tonya Moralez at with any questions, comments or feedback on this article and its contents.

Please note that there is a range of events lined up to celebrate this month’s LGBTQ history theme! Including a trip to Queer Britain, Karaoke at Zodiac bar & more! You can see them all here.

Thank you for reading and Happy LGBTQ history month!  

Article written by Tonya Moralez, your LGBTQ Officer.


© Birkbeck Students' Union

Birkbeck Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1142614.

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