Get in Touch


For all general enquiries, you can email us at us on FacebookTwitter , Instagram or What's app, or call us on 020 3926 3010 within office hours.
Please go here if you would like to contact a specific staff member. 

You can also like our Facebook page for SU updates, or if you prefer to correspond in 140 characters or less, follow us on Twitter @BirkbeckUnion.

Our Offices are located in Birkbeck Central on the Ground Floor in room G16, where you'll find our SU Officers & Staff. Come and say hello!

For complaints, see the complaints page for more information.


Office Hours

The Students' Union General Office (Birkbeck Central, G16) Opening Hours are 10am -1pm and 2pm - 6pm.

During term time, we staff the General Office Monday to Thursday. Students are more than welcome to drop by anytime, but (especially during busy times such as Freshers) to avoid disappointment, we ask that you first direct your queries to us by email.

Outside of term time, these hours may be reduced and the office might be closed as the result of College closures, bank holidays and sometimes when we are attending external meetings or events. In this case, please feel free to email us or message us on Social media.

Student Leaders Office Hours


If you would like to see one of our Student Leaders in person, you can see them on the following dates and times (during term time):

  • Welfare & Education Student Leaders: Thursdays, 12 until 5pm
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Student Leader: Mondays, 12 until 5pm

© Birkbeck Students' Union

Birkbeck Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1142614.

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