Election Rules
- Candidates must be current students at Birkbeck University.
- If candidates fail to meet the eligibility requirements they will be withdrawn from the election, if the election has already occurred, the student shall be removed from their elected position and a by-election shall be held for the role.
- Candidates must submit a manifesto before the deadline, if a candidate has not submitted a manifesto by the deadline, their nomination will be withdrawn.
- Candidates are not able to run for more than one position as an elected sabbatical officer.
- Candidates running to be an elected sabbatical officer cannot run for another role including network and society elections.
- No campaigning can take place before voting has opened; this includes any online activity.
- Candidates may announce they are running during voting but not before.
- Campaigners should not undertake campaign activity which others could not also reasonably do.
- Campaigners must take reasonable steps to ensure that their supporters’ actions always comply with the campaign rules and must be able to demonstrate this in the event of a complaint against them.
- Campaigners may only alter, move, and remove their own campaign materials.
- Campaigners may only use mailing lists where lawful to do so, in most cases this, will require the consent of the members on the list to use their details.
- Campaigners must allow voters to cast their ballot freely and must not communicate with voters any way once they have begun to complete their ballot.
- Campaigners should not campaign with a personal electronic device and should not touch any electronic voting device and allow a vote to be cast in secret.
- Campaigners must not harass students while campaigning.
- Campaigners must remain respectful to all students and staff, following the universities code of conduct.
- All campaign materials, including artwork, must be approved by the SU before purchasing, posting or distributing in any form.
- No campaign materials should include the university logo.
- Campaigners cannot claim campaign costs back from the SU.
These rules are in addition to general union and University/College rules and regulations
These rules are in addition to general union and University/College rules and regulations. Breaking any of these rules could potentially result in the Deputy Returning Officer or Returning Officer disqualifying you from these elections or stopping the elections altogether.
Any questions regarding rules? please email su-elections@bbk.ac.uk
Election Complaints
If you feel there has been a breach of the rules, Please provide details of precisely which breach of the rules you believe has taken place. You must provide details of any evidence that may substantiate your complaints.
For any complaints about the elections, email su-elections@bbk.ac.uk but please make the subject heading "elections complaint" Otherwise this will not be treated as a complaint, any complaints are handled by the Deputy Returning Officer (Student Voice Manager).
Process/Rules for Complaints
- The Unions Deputy Returning Officer (Student Voice Manager) will oversee the fair conduct of the elections this includes interpreting the bye-laws to rule on complaints.
- Any complaints must be submitted to the SU Elections inbox (su-elections@bbk.ac.uk) before the voting period ends. Complaints submitted after voting will not be considered.
- Complaints will be reviewed by the Deputy Returning Officer within 48 hours (Monday-Thursday).
- Peter Robertson (NUS Charity Director) will be the acting Returning Officer, who will manage any appeals.
- Complaints may remain anonymous if requested.
The Union has the right to take any of the following disciplinary actions:
- Verbal Warning
- Written Warning
- Ban on campaigns for a designated length of time (depending on the severity of the infraction)
- Disqualification
- The University also has a right to go through their own disciplinary procedures.
- The Deputy Returning Officer has the right to pause the vote count, while conducting the investigation. This is at the discretion of the Deputy Returning Officer.