Students Campaigning Rules
Students who are not elected paid leaders will be able to campaign.
Rules around campaigning:
- All Campaigners must register will the SU before taking on campaigning duties.
- Cannot use SU or University Logo on Campaign Materials.
- Gifts, such as vouchers or any other incentive for voting must not be used.
- Campaigners must follow all Union and University policies and procedures.
- Campaigners can use mailing lists where lawful to do so. In most cases, this will require the consent of the people on the list.
- Campaigners may use WhatsApp or other messaging apps for campaigning to contact students within their personal network but must not ‘harvest’ students personal telephone numbers from larger groups for bulk messaging purposes.
- No Campaigning can take place outside Voting hours.
- SU will not be reimbursing campaigners for campaign materials or any other items.
- No society funds can be used to campaign.
- All general election rules must be followed.
- Campaigners must allow voters to cast their vote freely and must not communicate with voters in any way once they have begun to complete their ballot.
- Campaigners may use social networking sites for campaigning.
- All campaigners must also adhere to all Students' Union and University rules, policeies and proceedures including the election rules.
If you feel there has been a breach of the rules, Please provide details of precisely which breach of the rules you believe has taken place. You must provide details of any evidence that may substantiate your complaints.
For any complaints about the elections, email but please make the subject heading "Referendum complaint" Otherwise this will not be treated as a complaint, any complaints are handled by the Deputy Returning Officer (Student Voice Manager).
- The Union's Deputy Returning Officer (Student Voice Manager) will oversee the fair conduct of the referendum this includes interpreting the bye-laws to rule on complaints.
- Any complaints must be submitted to the SU Elections inbox ( before voting period ends. Complaints submitted after voting will not be considered.
- Complaints will be reviewed by the Deputy Returning Officer within 48 hours (Monday-Friday).
- A member of the Birkbeck University governance team will be the acting Returning Officer (RO).
- Complaints may remain anonymous if requested.