All students are encouraged to come join the student parliament meetings. Only elected members of parliament can vote at parliament but all current students can share their opinions. 

Next Student Parliament is on the 14th of November 2024 at 3pm-5pm. It will be held online on MS Teams, please use this link to join the meeting. This will be an opportunity to get co-opted into one of the many vacant positions:

Environments and Ethics Officer

Anti-Racism & Anti-Fascism Officer

Clubs and Societies Officer

Community Officer

Research Students Officer

Parent and Carer Officer

Mental Health Officer

Student Head of Faculty (Postgraduate/ Faculty of Science)

Student Head of Faculty (Postgraduate/ Faculty of LAW and Business)

Student Head of Faculty (Undergraduate/ Faculty of LAW and Business)

Student Head of Faculty (Undergraduate/ Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences)

If you are interested in one of these posts, come prepared with a two-minute speech explainign why you want the role and why you are a good fit.We look forward to seeing you all then! 


14th of November


Future Meetings

11th of December, 3pm-5pm: Join meeting here.

12th of February, 3pm-5pm: Join meeting here.

26th of March, 3pm-5pm: Join meeting here.

7th of May, 3pm-5pm: Join meeting here.

25th of June, 3pm-5pm: Join meeting here,

© Birkbeck Students' Union

Birkbeck Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1142614.

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