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Your Ideas for Student Parliament 

Your Student Parliament want your ideas on how they can make your student experience better. 

Put an idea down and other students can vote it up or down. If an idea has 10 ups, the Student Parliament will discuss it in the next meeting (must be submitted one week before the meeting). 

Student Parliament Ideas

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  • 10 score
    10 voters

    Bring the Food Pantry Back!

      Due to the cost of living, students are finding it hard to afford the very basics. We should stand by our students and help those in need. Last year the food pantry was a great success, helping well over 300 students throughout this hard time. I propose that the union looks to reopening this for another year. Even if you don't believe it is a campaign that will help all students, you must see that even if it helps just a fraction of the numbers from last year, its worth it
    Bellastar Martin Casigay
    8:36pm on 6 Dec 23 I have a question. I'm a first year, and I'm wondering if this is introduced again where would it be? Also, would you have to sign something or give personal details? Or could you go straight to the Food Pantry to get a bit of food, without doing so?

    © Birkbeck Students' Union

    Birkbeck Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1142614.

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