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Your Ideas for Student Parliament 

Your Student Parliament want your ideas on how they can make your student experience better. 

Put an idea down and other students can vote it up or down. If an idea has 10 ups, the Student Parliament will discuss it in the next meeting (must be submitted one week before the meeting). 

Student Parliament Ideas

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  • 37 score
    37 voters

    Demand disclosure from the university and form a student led scrutiny committee

      Demand that Birkbeck first disclose the nature of its current investments and funding relationships, and then follow in the lead of Aberdeen University in the creation of an annual students committee to scrutinize the financial practices of Birkbeck. Students' tuition fees constitute 71% of Birkbeck’s income; the student body should play an active role in the decision making spaces of how these funds are used outside of the normal expected running costs of the University. Furthermore if the student body is trusted and given agency within the institution it will create a more engaged student experience and a stronger community.
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    Birkbeck Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1142614.

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