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Your Ideas for Student Parliament 

Your Student Parliament want your ideas on how they can make your student experience better. 

Put an idea down and other students can vote it up or down. If an idea has 10 ups, the Student Parliament will discuss it in the next meeting (must be submitted one week before the meeting). 

Student Parliament Ideas

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  • 37 score
    37 voters

    Support a (genuinely) ethical investment policy and divestment from arms manufacturing and distribution

      Demand that Birkbeck divest from any and all companies involved in the development, manufacturing, distribution and financing of arms and weapons as well as associated software, technologies and data management. Following the lead of Swansea, Goldsmiths and Aberdeen University, the SU should push for the university’s ethical investment policy to be re-written, in conjunction with student representatives so as to explicitly exclude any investment, direct or indirect, into arms manufacturing and distribution.
    No comments have been made.

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