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Your Ideas for Student Parliament 

Your Student Parliament want your ideas on how they can make your student experience better. 

Put an idea down and other students can vote it up or down. If an idea has 10 ups, the Student Parliament will discuss it in the next meeting (must be submitted one week before the meeting). 

Student Parliament Ideas

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  • 36 score
    36 voters

    Demand termination of partnerships with any organisation complicit in genocide of Palestinians

      We demand the SU call upon Birkbeck to end all partnerships, programs and the funding of schools and research institutes sponsored by all companies involved in the development, manufacturing, distribution and financing of arms and weapons as well as associated software, technologies and data management. In 2022 Birkbeck careers service successfully cut all ties with fossil fuel companies setting precedent for such a move by the university as a whole. As of last year Birkbeck has entered into a partnership with Legal & General, whose activities are directly related not just to the Israeli occupation but to the global military industrial complex . L&G reportedly have at least £5bn invested in arms companies. No other UK investor owns as many shares in companies that are profiting from Israeli violence and war crimes against Palestinians than Legal & General
    Aamir Ikram
    10:28pm on 17 Jun 24 Cut all education and relations with Israel, call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza

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