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Your Ideas for Student Parliament 

Your Student Parliament want your ideas on how they can make your student experience better. 

Put an idea down and other students can vote it up or down. If an idea has 10 ups, the Student Parliament will discuss it in the next meeting (must be submitted one week before the meeting). 

Student Parliament Ideas

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  • 40 score
    40 voters

    Protect the right to protest on campus

      Ensure that students and staff who speak out against injustice are not silenced. Birkbeck should protect the right to protest which should be understood as a sign of a healthy campus. The Prevent duty is widely considered to be institutionally racist and islamophobic. Students should not be referred to Prevent for any form of political activism. As the voice of the student body, the SU should take an active role in defending the right to protest on campus, by calling upon the university to reject the Hostile Environment policy in its policing of International students' voices with threats of prosecution and deportation for standing up for Palestine.
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